Exploring the Science of Recruiting, With Savvy Hires

Felicia Fleitman is in no rush. Don’t call her “slow and steady,” because development of her first-ever startup, Westbury-based Savvy Hires, is not going slowly, but at its own proper pace. However, there’s a certain deliberateness to Fleitman, who gleaned from early professional experiences that she wanted to start her own company – she even knew what kind – but recognized she wasn’t quite ready. So she decided to get ready.
So she decided to get ready, charting a very specific professional course – years long – that would give her the exposure and experiences she needed.
Her first professional tour, running campus-recruiting efforts for two different New York City law firms between 2005 and 2010, had already laid the groundwork. Fleitman managed summer-associate programs, handling both recruitment – working directly with campus-based career-services offices – and execution, including coordination of networking events.