Collective Internships

LaunchPad has partnered with Savvy Hires to create Long Island’s first Internship Collective. Combining the strategic expertise of an in-house campus recruiting department with a cost-effective cooperative approach,
Pipeline future hires
“try out” talent prior to committing to a full-time hire
Give back to the community
Manage work overflow
Tackle special projects
Bring new ideas and technologies in to your business
Internship Programs include:
Interview Coordination
Pre-Internship Training for Employers
Mentor Program Development and Training
Kick-Off Event
Orientation and Training for Interns
Assignment Process
Performance Evaluations and Real-Time 360 Assessments
Ongoing Professional Development and Networking Events
Farewell Event
If requested, Savvy Hires can be employer of record, alleviating on-boarding costs and liability
Sponsorship available! Do your part to eliminate the “brain drain” and help companies provide learning opportunities for students. If interested in sponsoring, email