Our Show & Tell meetings are for members to share their creative work in a stress-free environment.
Presenters are selected “first come first served” based on when they RSVP’d on their page meetup.com/Long-Island-Visual-Professionals, and you must email paul@mindyolk.com to confirm you are showing and he will send you further instructions.
We are limited to 10 members to show so please only request to be on the list if you can share your work. But of course we welcome anyone and everyone to join in by registering for the event here.
More details to follow….
Our Show & Tell meetings are for members to share their creative work in a stress-free environment.
Presenters are selected “first come first served” based on when they RSVP’d on their page meetup.com/Long-Island-Visual-Professionals, and you must email paul@mindyolk.com to confirm you are showing and he will send you further instructions.
We are limited to 10 members to show so please only request to be on the list if you can share your work. But of course we welcome anyone and everyone to join in by registering for the event here.
More details to follow….