***For August only, the Meetup will be on Wednesday, August 24th instead of the last Wednesday of the month. ***
This month’s Meetup schedule is as follows:
BEGINNER (6:00-7:30 PM)
JavaScript-Functions & Objects
We will be taking an in depth look at functions & objects and the different ways to create and utilize them.
ADVANCED (7:30 -9:00 PM)
Refactoring to ES2015
We will continue to explore ES2015, taking a look at classes and modules. We will be refactoring code examples using some of the new ES2015 features, including let, const, template literals, default values, rest operators, spread parameters, arrow functions and the destructuring assignment.
Make sure to RSVP and feel free to bring your laptop and code along with us.
Food will not be provided. Please make sure to eat in advance or feel free to bring food. There are also several great restaurants located within walking distance.
Register Now at http://www.meetup.com/LaunchPadLI/events/233238451/
315 Main St, 2nd Fl., Huntington, NY***For August only, the Meetup will be on Wednesday, August 24th instead of the last Wednesday of the month. ***
This month’s Meetup schedule is as follows:
BEGINNER (6:00-7:30 PM)
JavaScript-Functions & Objects
We will be taking an in depth look at functions & objects and the different ways to create and utilize them.
ADVANCED (7:30 -9:00 PM)
Refactoring to ES2015
We will continue to explore ES2015, taking a look at classes and modules. We will be refactoring code examples using some of the new ES2015 features, including let, const, template literals, default values, rest operators, spread parameters, arrow functions and the destructuring assignment.
Make sure to RSVP and feel free to bring your laptop and code along with us.
Food will not be provided. Please make sure to eat in advance or feel free to bring food. There are also several great restaurants located within walking distance.
Register Now at http://www.meetup.com/LaunchPadLI/events/233238451/